Public Speaking Patch Guidelines
In order to better to equip men to perform effective bible studies at home or communicate a spiritual principle to an audience of their peers, we have developed this patch to train up and perfect that person.
- An entry in Public Speaking is the art of verbally communicating a biblical message that includes Scripture quotations or readings presented by one eligible student.
- Scripture reference must be cited with all scripture quotations or readings.
- Short Sermon entries have a time limit of 10 minutes with 5 minutes of Q&A from the audience.
- Presentations must be in harmony with the Statement of Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God.
- Entries must be original material, not just a memorization of someone else’s sermon/material. Participants are permitted to use illustrations, personal testimonies, statistics, stories, etc. Sources must be cited.
- Participants are allowed to use notes. The talk does not need to be memorized.
- Participants may only use a Bible, notes, a podium, and hand-held visual aids.
- Presentations must be given with due reverence for God and His people and must not be a cynical or satirical portrayal of any form of the ministry.
- A copy of your notes needs to be given to the judges and participants in the session.
- Must conduct 3 separate times to get patch
- Christian message – presents a solid biblical perspective with ministry effectiveness in mind.
Communication In a Large Audience – Not required when around a table discussion.
- Expression/body language – use of nonverbal communication (i.e. facial expressions, hand and arm gestures) that enhance the delivery of the message.
- Originality – use of original and creative ideas; demonstrates a fresh approach.
- Posture – effective stance appropriate for public speaking, stage presence, and proper breath support.
- Stage presence – command of stage; control, confidence, and comfort.
- Timing – the ability to move from point to point smoothly, and with a sense of pacing; effective use of allotted time spent on opening, main points, and conclusion.
- Vocal clarity – appropriate volume for audience; proper pronunciation of words with appropriate tone and inflection.
Presentation and Technique
- Elicits response – demonstrates purpose of sermon with a question for a response in conclusion.
- Opening/conclusion – use of quote, question, illustrations, or story is used to capture the audience’s interest in topic of sermon; the conclusion recaps the main points and calls for a final response.
- Structure of content – effective, logical organization of thoughts communicated for understanding, believability, and remembrance.
- Transitions – statements that bridge the main points of the sermon.
- Use of illustrations – incorporates vivid image, examples, testimony, statistics, or quotations as reinforcements to sermon topic with proper recognition of sources.
- Use of Scripture – Scriptural text/quotations foundational to overall presentation; reference(s) cited.
- Evident ministry – evidence of spiritual motivation demonstrated with sincerity and passion.
- Preparation – an apparent effort of time and thought in preparation.
- Relevance – appropriate and relevant application.
- Understandable concept – the sermon selection, communication, presentation and technique, and effectiveness in attaining a response.
Note: Rules and Guidelines are subject to change as we perfect them to make them more effective to equip you the man of God.
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Did you not know that (we) must be about (the) Father’s business?
Luke 2:49
Joshua 24:15
"And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that [were] on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Exodus 15:3
The LORD is a man of war; The LORD is His name.